Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ok this one is called ganja games…confused? it is a prank we played on one of our room mates.

We were all drunk that Friday evening. We had gone out to some pub and were returning home after picking up ghee rice from imperial or empire. (This one place is the only hope for late night partying folks like us in Bangalore. Open till 2 -3 am in the morning, a night out isn’t complete without the ghee rice and dal from there).

We were on Inner ring road, when we got this brilliant idea to make the night alive.

Then Raj asked casually “How about a round of ganja?”

I saw the twinkling in his eyes and got the point. I turned back and looked at Robin, with the same smirk that a hunter would have on his face. There our prey was sitting looking outside the window, totally drunk, not noticing our verbal exchanges.

Now Raj asked me a little more loudly

“Hey John, how about a round of ganja??”

This time it caught the ears of Robin and he gave as a stunned look. The look immediately changes to that of No this isn’t true sorts;

And I replied, even more casually.

“What an idea boss, lets rock it”

“But where do you think you would get it at this time of the day??” Raj asked

Now I am simultaneously weaving stories in my mind and taking stock of robin’s fast changing facial reactions. It ranged from shock, disbelief, anger, fear, and finally pathos.

“We will need to ask Kumar, stop near the empty field opposite Dell… we might be able to find him there”…I replied.

And Raj drove the car into the lane next to the empty field.

I asked robin to come along to collect the ganja from Kumar (god knows who). And he was probably least expecting it and plainly declined.

Then we started cajoling and coaxing him into this. But he kept refusing.

We were so amazed at how vulnerable someone can get and how easily he believed us.
Ra walked out into the lane, took the next turn, waited for sometime and came back.

“He has asked us to come to the end of the lane” Raj told pointing straight into the lane.

And we started the persuasion again. Robin was almost at tears and nearly believed that I and raj are drug addicts.

During this entire tussle, we saw a hoysala jeep approaching us from far. The next moment we jumped back into the car and sped away.

Through all these commotion, Robin has actually dropped our pack of dinner (ghee rice of course) somewhere there itself.

We slept hungry stomach that day.

Now the funniest part is just following;

The next day, We were planning to have dinner at home. Raj and robin and gone out to pick some beer.

As planned, I took a gold flake cigarette, took to all the tobacco and powdered it nicely. In fact we took the pain of mixing some jeera powder/ coffee powder... I don’t remember what … to increase authenticity.

Took some foil, wrapped it up nicely and kept it my room.

After we were sufficiently drunk, Raj asked me casually ….

“Do you have some stuff with you?? “

Robin till this moment and for a few after the statement was lost in the Pink Floyd music and beer, not giving much attention to our discussions.

But when I actually got up, apparently giving the impression that I am going to get the stuff, he turned towards us and gave a startling look.

I did not get to notice his facial expression this time as I went inside my room.

But when I emerged outside with the foil, I could see the range of emotions I mentioned earlier moving across his face.

The rest of the night I leave to your imagination.

And to this day he believes we are drug addicts.



satishds said...

does rashmi know all these....wait let me tell rashmi that ur a drug addict :P

Canary said...

hey... am bak to blogging.. :)
hows u.. dropped by at ur blog after ages.. and its as entertaining as ever :P