Friday, August 13, 2010

Song of agony, of pain and loss

Far, far away, there is a place called happiness
Far away from these beautiful hills
From the mountain springs
From the cuckoo songs
And the misty woods

Beneath my feet are gold and more
Visitors here chasing ore
Saviors many, spreading lore
Master, but why do you make me sore
cause all that glitters, don’t surely soar

All that has risen is pain and agony
Behind my home were woods of ebony
Today I look like them, all bony
My eye’s are full, my belly all empty
Wasted for all, and almost loony

I am all but a few years into my life
Been through lot, sadness rife
Through many a crime, so many time
Is there a God? Come save my life
Before these saviors snatch it off

In this tussle, I have lost my youth
Minister, do you have no kids?
My saviors make their kids to kill
Visitors need to bloat their kids
Why in my own home, I do not count

I stand at this foothills, and cry aloud
My land of honey, of laughter, of tears
This land where my father tilled,
Has all over his blood spilled;
And today my land has shunted us out

Sadly, I sing,
Far, far away, there is a place called happiness
Far away from these beautiful hills
From the mountain springs
From the cuckoo songs
And these misty woods

Dannie John

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