Wednesday, February 03, 2010

To you!

To spend time with you
To be in your arms
To cuddle up
To play pillow fight
And to fall into your lap when tired
To kiss
To caress
To love
To fight
To hold you tight
To hold your hands
To look at the moon
To laugh,
Let us go and dwell in the villages,
In the vineyards, let us make love
Let the dewdrops of the dawn drip into our beings
As we lay lazy, naked under the vines
Let the first rays of sunshine, pierce the chill of our bodies
And bring in warmth to our entangled posture
My love, to you this ode
My heart aches, every moment far away from you
My soul quenches for your nearness
Let us go
Let us go away
To a place far away
Away from our daily chores
Breaking away the strings that chain us
To a place where it is only you and me
To the valley of hope
Of love
And honey
Let us see each other
Let us feel each other
And then, will I proclaim my love for you
Standing up on the rocks, will I shout out!
My love, there is nothing better in life
Than these moments spent with you
The trees will node in agreement
The sun will shine in acquiescence
All nature will bow, and make way for us
My love, to you this ode
Let us go
Let us go to place where no one knows us
Where we are but strangers in a strange land
The only node of recognition, is between our hearts
And then will my heart reach out to yours
And then will ours souls become one
And then will I take you in my arms
Oh my love, to you this ode
Let us go
Let us go
Let us go!

Dannie John, to his beloved, 2-Feb-2010

1 comment:

rubal said...

Awesome content lovely feelings what shall I say

I have only appreciations to pay!!

Rubal Sahni